AI-empowered chat bots to imporve your bussiness

Scale your sales and support efforts with a modern.AI-based chatbot, integrated knowledge base and all-in-one comminication platform.

They work at any platform

Answer upto 80% of customer questions,instantly

Smart bots work alongside your existing support team and use machine learning to interpret inquiries answer customer questions and learn from new experiences

Our solution is especially good for

SaaS Bussiness
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SaaS, or software as a service, is a delivery model in which a centrally hosted software is licensed to customers via a subscription plan. Any company that leases its software through a central, cloud-based system can be said to be a SaaS company.

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Ecommerce is an umbrella term that covers everything there is to do with buying or selling online, and can sometimes be otherwise written as “E Commerce,” “e-commerce,” or “eCommerce.” Any variation of the spelling is correct, and it all describes the same act of performing business via the internet.

Ability of endless customization

Train your bot to speak in a certain way

Artificial interlligence technology allpws for neverending refinement and adopting of new behaviour patterns

Integration with social media

Connect your bot to facebook twitter and Instagram,using our API.

Powerful API

Materfully crafted by our developers to solve all your needs.

Color themes

Persolnalize your UI however you want.

Get Started

Rapid speed of implementation

Business modeling step in the RAD model takes information from the company gathered through many business-related sources. This info is then combined into a useful description of how the data can be used when it is processed, and what is making this specific information successful for the industry.
During the Data Modeling stage, all the information gathered during the Business Modeling phase is analyzed. Through the analysis, the information is grouped into different groups that can be useful to the company. The quality of each data group is carefully examined and given an accurate description. A relationship between these groups and their usefulness as defined in the Business Modeling step is also established during this phase of the RAD model.
The Process Modeling phase is the step in the RAD model procedure where all the groups of information gathered during the Data Modeling step are converted into the required usable information. During the Process Modeling stage, changes and optimizations can be done, and the sets of data can be further defined. Any descriptions for adding, removing, or changing the data objects are also created during this phase.
The Application Generation step is when all the information gathered is coded, and the system that is going to be used to create the prototype is built. The data models created are turned into actual prototypes that can be tested in the next step.

Inside statistics


Total per month conversion


Bots working simultaneously.


Cost saved per month

Improve your bussiness today

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